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Added 2,263 Views / 0 LikesThis website ( is a website that consists of 'know-how' videos which embedded screencast technique that captures the movement of a pointer on the screen. This video shows how users can send their comments using emel to webmaster.
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Popular Categories
Added 883 Views / 0 LikesThis website ( is a website that consists of 'know-how' videos which embedded screencast technique that captures the movement of a pointer on the screen. This video shows categories of the videos in the repository.
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Popular Add New Video File by Admin
Added 833 Views / 0 LikesThis website ( is a website that consists of 'know-how' videos which embedded screencast technique that captures the movement of a pointer on the screen. This video shows steps to upload new video file by admin to the website.
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Popular About Us
Added 1,957 Views / 0 LikesThis website ( is a website that consists of 'know-how' videos which embedded screencast technique that captures the movement of a pointer on the screen. This video showsinformation about persons who are in charge of Video Tutorial Repo
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03:01 Popular
What Are Screencast Videos?
Added 6,724 Views / 0 Likes Describes what a screencast video is and how they are used for business.We've all heard of online or web videos, but what specifically is a screencast video and how does it differ from other videos?A screencast is a 'screen capture
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How to Draw Malaysian Mickey Mouse Using PAINT
Added 969 Views / 0 LikesThis video demonstrates steps to draw 2D graphic Using PAINT
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How to Draw Apple Using PAINT
Added 924 Views / 0 LikesThis video demonstrates steps to draw 2D graphic using PAINT.
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Mail Merge
Added 764 Views / 0 LikesThis video demonstartes steps to do mail merge using MS Word 2010.
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How to Draw Cute Boy Using mtPaint
Added 1,150 Views / 0 LikesThis video demonstrates steps in drawing 2D graphic using grahic editing software which is called mtPaint.
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How to Draw Fish Using mtPaint
Added 1,063 Views / 0 LikesThis video demonstrates steps how to draw 2D graphic using graphic editing software which is called mtPaint.
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How to Draw Tiger Using mtPaint
Added 1,061 Views / 0 LikesThis video is a 'know-how' video which demonstrates steps in drawing 2D graphic using graphic editing software which is called mtPaint.
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How to Draw Flower Using Paint
Added 1,124 Views / 0 LikesThis video demonstrates steps to draw flower using Paint.
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Melukis Penimbang Menggunakan MS Visio
Added 1,256 Views / 0 LikesThis video demonstrates steps to draw weigh scale using 2D graphic software, which is called MS Visio.
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Tutorial Penggunaan Camtasia
Added 1,002 Views / 0 LikesThis video shows two main tools in Camtasia Studio 7.0: RECORDER and EDITOR. RECORDER is used when user wants to apply screencast technique in the video clip. This special technique captures movement of pointer on computer screen. Meanwhile, EDITOR is use
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Tutorial for Wordpress
Added 967 Views / 0 LikesThis video is a 'know-how' video. It demonstrates steps to create a website using Wordpress. Screencast technique is embedded in this video using a special video editing software, which is called Camtasia Studio. Special effects such as callouts, zoom-n-p
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Start Prezi
Added 1,091 Views / 0 LikesThis video is a 'know-how' video. Screencast technique is embedded in this video using a special software, which is called Camtasia Studio. This video demonstrates steps to produce a video file using Prezi.Special effects such as Callouts, Zoom-n-Pan and
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How to Draw Car Using MS Visio
Added 2,126 Views / 0 LikesThis video is a 'know-how' video which is recorded using Camtasia Studio Recorder. This video demonstrates steps in drawing 2D graphic using a special software, which is called MS Visio. Special effects (Callouts, Transition, Title Clip and Zoom-n-Pan) ar
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How to Draw Bee and Flower Using MS Visio
Added 1,492 Views / 0 LikesThis video is a 'know-how' video which is produced using Camtasia Studio Recorder. It demonstrates steps in drawing 2D graphic using a special graphic editing software, which is called MS Visio. Special effects such as Callouts, Title Clip and Zoom-n-Pan
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How to Use Kuwo Music Box
Added 1,471 Views / 0 LikesThis video is a 'know-how' video which is produced using Camtasia studio Editor. This video demonstrates steps in decribing a process of how to use Kuwo Music Box.
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Langkah Membina Program Light Detector Sensor
Added 837 Views / 0 LikesKlip video ini berkonsepkan 'know-how' video yang merakamkan langkah-langkah untuk membina Program Light Detector Censor. Program ini pula dibangunkan menggunakan perisian Lego Mindstorms Edu Nxt. Manakala, perisian Camtasia Studio Recorder pula digunakan
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System of Linear Equation
Added 899 Views / 0 LikesThis video is a recorded PowerPoint Presentation using Camtasia Studio. The learning objectives areinterchange two equations, add a multiple of one equation to another and multiply an equation through by zero constant.
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How to Solve Mathematical Problem Using Excel Solver
Added 1,843 Views / 0 LikesThis video demonstrates how to solve a mathematical problem using MS Excel Solver. This video is a 'how know' video, which is recorded using Camtasia Studio. Special effects are embedded in the video to assist user to understand the steps in solving the p
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Lagu Ikan Kekek
Added 2,146 Views / 0 LikesThis video is a recorded PowerPoint presentation using Camtasia Studio. This special video consists of one popular kid song in Malaysia.
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How to Produce Video Clip Using Cyberlink Power Director
Added 1,020 Views / 0 LikesThis video demonstrates how to produce a video clip using video editing software, which is called Cyberlink Power Director. This video applied special effects in Camtasia Studio such as Callouts, Title Clip, Transition and Zoom-n-Pan. This video provides
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The growth of the poultry industry
Added 6,653 Views / 0 LikesThis video clip is a recorded PowerPoint Presentation using Camtasia Studio Recorder. The objectives of the video clip are to study the growth performance of the broiler industry in Peninsular of Malaysia, to analyze total productivity and its components
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Introduction to Accounting
Added 7,182 Views / 1 LikesThis video clip is a recorded PowerPoint Presentation using Camtasia Studio Recorder. The objectives of the video clip are describing the accounting concept, nature of business and the accounting profession, stating the accounting equation and defining ea
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Kaedah Pendekatan Proses
Added 10.9k Views / 1 LikesKlip video ini merakam persembahan PowerPoint menggunakan Camtasia Studio Recorder. Kandungan klip video ini ialah kaedah pendekatan proses dalam penulisan karangan dan aplikasi kaedah pendekatan proses dalam pengajaran penulisan.
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Asas Etiket dan Protokol
Added 8,341 Views / 0 LikesKlip video ini merakam persembahan PowerPoint menggunakan Camtasia Studio Recorder. Kandungan klip video ini ialah penerangan mengenai etiket dan protokol.
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Persediaan ke Alam Pekerjaan
Added 7,198 Views / 0 LikesKlip video ini merakam persembahan PowerPoint menggunakan Camtasia Studio Recorder. Kandungan klip video ini ialah panduan menulis resume dan temuduga sertapersediaan temuduga.
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Iteration in Visual Basic 6
Added 11.7k Views / 1 LikesThis video clip is a recorded PowerPoint Presentation using Camtasia Studio Recorder. The video clipshows how to do nested loop in programming using Visual Basic 6
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Put Options
Added 6,555 Views / 0 LikesThis video clip is a recorded PowerPoint Presentation using Camtasia Studio Recorder. The contents of the video clip areput option payoff and profit and put option diagram
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Call Options
Added 6,504 Views / 0 LikesThis video clip is a recorded PowerPoint Presentation using Camtasia Studio Recorder. The contents of the video clip arecurrency options, call option payoff and profit and call option diagram
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Currency Derivatives and Forward Contracts.
Added 7,047 Views / 0 LikesThis video clip is a recorded PowerPoint Presentation using Camtasia Studio Recorder. The contents of the video clip arethe definition of derivatives and currency forward, forward price and forward premium and forward pricing example
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Introduction to tendering
Added 11.4k Views / 0 LikesThis video clip is a recorded PowerPoint Presentation using Camtasia Studio Recorder. The contents of the video clip are definition of tendering, types of tendering, advantages of open tendering, disadvantages of open tendering, selective tendering, crite
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Talent Development and Retention: Revitalizing High Performing Islamic Bank’s Employees
Added 68.9k Views / 1 LikesThis video clip is a recorded PowerPoint Presentation using Camtasia Studio Recorder. The content of the video clips are introduction, dual banking system: scenario in Malaysia, the issues of talents in Islamic bank, the talent development and talent rete
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Bengkel Kewangan Islam
Added 6,918 Views / 0 LikesKlip video ini merakam persembahan PowerPoint menggunakan Camtasia Studio Recorder. Kandungan kilp video ini ialah perkembangan perbankan Islam, sistem kewangan Islam di Malaysia, ciri-ciri asas kewangan Islam, kontrak-kontrak syariah yang diguna pakai, p
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Storyboard for Screencast
Added 1.1M Views / 1 LikesThis video shows a few forms of storyboard for video tutorial. A storyboard is a graphic arrangement which is displayed in sequence. A storyboardis designed based on the objectives for learning a new concept or skill. Thus, it plays an important role in p
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Start Recording Using Camtasia
Added 21.8k Views / 0 LikesThis video clip shows how to start recording movement of a pointer on the screen using Camtasia Studio Recorder. The final part of the video includes the steps on how to create a CAMREC file which is used for editing.
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Producing Video Clip
Added 25.3k Views / 0 LikesThis video clip demonstrates steps to produce a MP4 video file using Camtasia Studio Production Wizard. The first part of the video shows the steps on how to insert a CAMPROJ file in the timeline. Then, the second part of the video shows how to produce th
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Special Effects During Recording
Added 7,398 Views / 0 LikesThis video clip demonstrates steps how to insert a special effect during recording using Camtasia StudioRecorder. The special effect that isapplied in the video clip, is called cursor effect. The first part of this video shows how to select cursor effect
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Editing using Camtasia – Transition
Added 10.8k Views / 0 LikesThis video clip demonstrates steps how to insert a special effect which is called transition. This effect will provide visual effect to thevideo clip. The transition can be applied within two clips using Camtasia StudioEditor. In this video, a transition
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Editing using Camtasia - Title Clips
Added 12.1k Views / 1 LikesThis video clip demonstrates steps how to insert title clips to a video clip using Camtasia StudioEditor. Title clipis placed at the beginning of the video clip to introduce the title of the video clip. Meanwhile, it also can be inserted at the end of the
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Editing using Camtasia – Callouts
Added 14.1k Views / 1 LikesThis video clip demonstrates steps to insert callouts in a video clip using Camtasia Studio Editor.Callouts are graphics that appear on top of the video to assist user to comprehend the process involved in the recording video clip. There are two types of
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How to Record PowerPoint
Added 25k Views / 0 LikesThis video clip demonstrates steps in recordingPowerPoint presentationusing Camtasia Studio Add-Ins.
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mtPaint: Image Resize
Added 13.3k Views / 0 LikesThis video clip demonstrates a graphic editing software which is called mtPaint 3.40. This editing software is an open source software which can be downloaded freely from the internet. This video shows steps in resizing an image and producing the new imag
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Audacity: Audio Recording
Added 7,979 Views / 0 LikesThis video clip demonstrates an audio editing software which is called Audacity. This editing software is an open source software which can be downloaded freely from the internet. The video shows steps to record your own voice and produce the recorded aud
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02:46 Popular
Avidemux : Cut the Video
Added 9,855 Views / 0 LikesThis video clip demonstrates a video editing software which is called Avidemux. This editing software is an open source software which can be downloaded freely from the internet. This video shows steps in cutting a selected frames in the video file and pr
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03:01 Popular
Audacity: Fade-In and Fade-Out Effects
Added 11.5k Views / 0 LikesThis video clip demonstrates an audio editing software which is called Audacity. This editing software is an open source software which can be downloaded freely from the internet. This video clip shows steps to insert Fade-In and Fade-Out effects to an au
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mtPaint: Insert Text on the Image
Added 26.1k Views / 0 LikesThis video clip demonstrates a graphic editing software which is called mtPaint 3.40. This editing software is an open source software which can be downloaded freely from the internet. This video shows steps in inserting text on an image and producing the
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mtPaint: Greyscale effects
Added 11k Views / 0 LikesThis video clip demonstrates a graphic editing software which is called mtPaint 3.40. This editing software is an open source software which can be downloaded freely from the internet. This video shows steps in inserting greyscale effect to an image and p