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    Faridah Hanim Yahya has an academic background of Bachelor of Science in Statistics, from University of Southwestern Lousiana,USA (1987), Master of Information Technology , from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (2003) and a Ph.D. in Information Science, from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (2009). Now she is a lecturer at Institute of Teacher Education (ITE), Technical Education Campus, Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. In addition, she is actively conducting research and writing books. Among the books that have been published are " Mudahnya Camtasia ", works with Hafiza Abas (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) and Prof. Dr. Zulikha (Universiti Utara Malaysia); Math Dyslexia with Dr. Norashiken Abu Bakar (Universiti Technical Melaka, Malaysia) and author for Primary School’s textbook "Information and Communication Technology Year 4 ".

    Her current research is usability study using QR Code in teaching and learning among pre-service teachers. She had also written several teaching modules for ITE and presented conference papers in national and international level. Her research areas of interest are interactive multimedia, problem-based learning, math education, dyslexia and web 2.0 applications. She had conducted courses on producing video tutorials ‘know how’ using screencasting techniques for lecturers, teachers and students.

    The  collection of video tutorials using this technique is accessible on the web: www.camtasia2u.com. In 2013, Faridah Hanim Yahya, Hafiza Abas, Zahisham and Prof Zulikha had won 2 Medal Awards for innovation contest: Gold Medal at International Conference on Informatics and Creative Multimedia 2013 (ICICM’13) for Best Research and Bronze Medal for Seoul International Invention Fair 2013 (SIIF). In 2014, Faridah Hanim, Hafiza, Mahamsiatus and Zahisham had won the Gold Medal  at Conference Competition Exhibition 2014 (CCE2014) for Information Technology and Multimedia category. They also won second place among 10 categories. Her motto is " No Pain, No Gain ". 




    Hafiza Abas is a researcher, lecturer, trainer,and writer at  Advanced Informatics School (AIS) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She is actively conducting research and writing books in addition to teaching and supervising graduate students. Hafiza has produced a number of teaching modules, a translation book, journals and participated in several conferences and research exhibition at national and international level. Among the books that have been published are "Mudahnya Camtasia", works with Dr Faridah Hanim Yahya and Prof Dr Zulikha Jamaluddin and novellete "Amanda Help Me!".

    She is just completing  books entitled " Bahasa Melayu untuk Murid Disleksia" and "Panduan Guru: Masalah Pembelajaran Spesifik Disleksia". She has been involved in national and international conferences as a member of the committee and paper reviewer. Her research interest is related to students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, remedial students and autism; in reading recovery and using computer applications such as apps, multimedia, web and augmented reality. Her website can be reached: http://www.ais.utm.my/hafizaabas/and http://hafizaabas.weebly .com/. Please visit her research team educational portal at CAMTASIA.2U.




    Prof. Dr. Zulikha memiliki Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer daripada Lancaster University, England, dan Sarjana dalam bidang yang sama dari University of Exeter, England masing-masing pada tahun 1989 dan 1993. Ijazah kedoktoran beliau, juga dalam bidang Sains Komputer, diperoleh dari Universiti Sains Malaysia pada 2001. Kerjaya akademik Dr. Zulikha bermula dengan perlantikan sebagai penyelidik di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia pada 1991. Beliau kemudian dilantik sebagai tutor di Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) pada 1992, dan sebagai pensyarah pada 1993.

    Selain mengajar, beliau telah memegang beberapa jawatan pentadbiran, di antaranya penyelaras pasca siswazah pada 2001 dan timbalan pengarah Pusat Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran pada 2006 & 2012. Beliau kini adalah Profesor Madya di Jabatan Siswazah Sains Komputer di Kolej Sastera dan Sains, UUM dan Executive Trainer UUM Holding Sdn. Bhd. Dr Zulikha telah menghasilkan empat buku akademik, Terminologi Lengkap Perkakasan Komputer, Information Technology, Agenda ICT Ke Arah Pembangunan K-Ekonomi Malaysia (di tulis bersama dengan Abdul Rahim Anuar), dan Membina Laman Sesawang Statik dan Dinamik (di tulis bersama dengan Wan Hussain Wan Ishak). Dr Zulikha mengkhusus dalam bidang Reka Bentuk Interaksi (IxD) dan kejuruteraan afektif.

    Kepakaran beliau diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa apabila dilantik sebagai profesor pelawat di Universitas Gorontalo, dan pensyarah jemputan di UNIKOM dan Universitas Hassanudin, Indonesia.



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